The Mid-Atlantic Repeater Council

Frequency Lists

Coordinated Repeaters

By Freq.                                      By State

29 Mhz                                         District of Columbia

52 Mhz                                         Delaware

144 Mhz                                      Maryland

220 Mhz                                      Virginia

440 Mhz                                       West Virginia

900 Mhz

1.2 Ghz                                        Construction Coordinations Issued

All Frequency Lists

Page Last Updated: 06/16/24

Recent changes indicated by yellow highlighted fields.

Recent new coordinations indicated by green highlighted rows.

Some repeaters are unpublished and do not appear on these lists.

Location = Closest town to which repeater is located.

Geographic Area = Region where repeater is located.

                                    (Determined by T-MARC)

Feature Descriptions used in directory listings:

o           = Open

c            = Closed

t            = Tone Access (followed by CTCSS tone freq.)

DCS      = Digital Coded Access (followed by DCS Code)

RB        = Remote Base

SNP      = Shared Non-Protected Pair

a            = Autopatch

(ca)       = Closed Autopatch

e            = Emergency Power

l            = Linked system

r            = RACES Affiliated

s            = ARES Affiliated

z            = Direct access to law enforcement (followed by code)

WX       = Weather Net / Weather Usage

The contents of this Web site and all pages, files and documents contained herein are Copyright © 2022 by           The Mid-Atlantic Repeater Council, Inc.
Reproduction in any form, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of The Mid-Atlantic Repeater Council, Inc., is strictly prohibited.