The Mid-Atlantic Repeater Council

Related Links

Coordination Groups

SERA — South Eastern Repeater Association

ARCC — Area Repeater Coordination Council

WPRC — Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council

OARC — Ohio Area Repeater Council


FCC Web Sites

FCC — Federal Communications Commission

HAAT Calculator

Latitude / Longitude Calculator

License Search


Misc. Amateur Radio Web Sites

Repeater Builders Technical Information Page — It’s name says it all.

QRZ.COM — Amateur Radio news and information

eHAM.net — Ham Radio on the net.

ARRL—The National Association for Amateur Radio

Part 97 (From US Gov. Printing Office)

EchoLink — Amateur Radio VoIP

IRLP — Amateur Radio VoIP

NHRC — Repeater Controllers


RF Calculators — everythingRF.com

Weather Related

NOAA — National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

LightningMaps.org — Lightning Activity


Page Last Updated: 06/16/24

The contents of this Web site and all pages, files and documents contained herein are Copyright © 2022 by           The Mid-Atlantic Repeater Council, Inc.
Reproduction in any form, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of The Mid-Atlantic Repeater Council, Inc., is strictly prohibited.